Thursday 22 October 2015

My long journey

After the seventh week, i have complete my assignments which is create reflective journal using blog. For me, it was really interesting and amazing because we can have the chances doing something new especially as a students. I had never ever create a blog or something else which related to the journal. Through this reflective journal blog, I can increase my ability in writing and also in giving idea on something. I can write anything and give my opinions according what I had learned in class from week 1 until week 7. Next, I can create the possibility of making new realizations. I enjoyed creating this blog and start giving idea in blog although there were many allegation during finish this assignments. I remember in week 3, while I was doing my journal and suddenly my laptop shut down just like that so, all my works gone and I have not save my work yet. It was really sad and frustating because I must do this journal again start from the beginning. My laptop cannot function at all and I only depends my friend's laptop. Other than that, in week 4, I tried to connect this laptop to the wifi but it did not want to connect at all. I want to finish my reflective learning journal so I decided with my friends to stay at the cafe until our work done. We stay up late night at the cafe to finish up our assignments. This really give me new experiences because for the first time, I had never stay at cafe late night. Then after the 5 week, I really enjoyed doing this journal. I had many idea to write on the blog. After the lecture, usually I studied again in my room to understand and try to memorize what i had learned in the class so that I can continue create my journal according from my understanding. I can identify my strength and weakness in every topic. I spent time a lot of time to do this journal. Before start writing, I understand the topic first and sometimes I do the research to increase my general knowledge. Then, I search using google images to find the images that related to the topic to make it more clearly and of course to make it more interesting. So that I would not get bored to my reflective journal. I check many times until satisfied before publish the post. Sometimes if I have no idea to write about, I just stop and doing another work. Once I have an idea, immediately I continue my writing. This is really interesting because its like we were writing on our own diary. For sure not the diary about our life happening all the day but this is all about cellular and developmental biology topics. So, this is all my preparations and experiences during do this assignments. I hope this can enhance my learning experience and also can increase my understanding in this subject so I can perform well during my final examination.

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