The video is about the lecture how Darwin came to publish The Origin of Species and examples of how quickly evolution can change a population. The Darwinian revolution was the first revolution in biology. This lecture traces the discovery of evolution through Darwin’s long voyage, many discoveries and prodigious writings. It is a dramatic story of how a medical school dropout and future clergyman transformed our pictures of nature and our place in it. Darwin developed two great ideas in The Origin of Species that have shaped 150 years of evolutionary of biology : the descent of species from common ancestors and their modification through natural selection.
Darwin also introduced the concept of the “fittest” but how are the fittest are made?
The second revolution in biology was triggered by discoveries in genetics. Genetic variation, selection and time combine to fuel the evolutionary process. The action of selection is now visible in DNA, both in preventing injurious changes and in favoring advantageous changes in trait.
I love these video because it gave me a lot of information about Evolution and Charles Darwin. This video also gave me more understanding and a particular passage of the evolution.
I had learned about Lamarck’s theory which is about evolution of modern giraffe. Lamarck thought that giraffes evolved their long necks by each generation stretching further to get leaves in trees and that is change in body shape was then inherited.

Lamarck’s theory of giraffe evolution
Charles Darwin is an English naturalist ( 1809-1882) who proposed and demonstrated that all species of life have evolved over time from common ancestors through the process he called natural selection.
Darwin evolution theory is natural selection. The long neck of the giraffe was not adaptation for reaching the tops of trees, but rather due to mutation, variation and sexual selection.

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