Sunday 27 March 2016


For this topic, we have been divided to 6 groups. Based on the topic given, we were asked to create an activity to present out topic and each group has been given only for 15 minutes. The games was played at BioTech 1.4. For group 1, they do Kahoot quiz. The quiz was about cilia and flagella, cytoplasm and cell membrane. We were required to answer 12 question that were given. The question was quite easy but they have a time limit which was 20 seconds that really distract us to answer the quiz properly. It was chaos because each group was so active and competitive. Luckily, my group won for this game. We were very excited.

For the second group, they did the crossword game. They prepared the crossword on the whiteboard. The topic was about chloroplast, golgi apparatus and centrosome. Malik said that if we answered wrongly, there will be a punishment. All groups can answered it correctly but unfortunately, only my group answered it wrong and we got the punishment. So the punishment is we did the chicken dance in front of everyone. It was so funny and Haibiel volunteered himself to conduct us for the chicken dance. Everyone can't stop laughing at us. It was memorable and I can't forget it.

The third group did the flip card. We must answered the questions and if right, we can flip the card.
It was creative and a bit tough because the question was so hard. My group members can only answered one correctly and another group we do not know.

For the fourth group, they did the bingo game. It was similar common bingo game but this game is about mitosis and meiosis. It was quite interesting and creative. We were required to choose any words that was given and put into the the blank space randomly. The first group finished their bingo won the game. Malik's group won the game.

Then, we proceed with another group which is group five. The topic was about lysosome, peroxisome and vacuole. This game was fun because we need to search the answer. The answer was flattered everywhere in the room. When the question appeared on the slide, we must quickly find the answer. Everyone was so competitive.

Lastly, was my groups. My groups did the musical chair for topic rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. 10 players with 2 people from each group. Music will be played and you have to circle around the chairs. When the music stops, you have to compete with each other to get a sit. The person who did not manage to get the sit, you will be eliminated and you need to answer a question given by us within 15 seconds. You can discuss with your group members if you did not know the answer. You are not allowed to refer to any references. NO NOTES! NO GOOGLE! NO ASKING DR. WAN! It was happening because we played a common song that everyone knew.

After finish all the games, we take photos with Dr Wan. This is the last class with Dr Wan but Dr Wan said that she will teach us again for the another topic. We were so happy. Thanks to Dr Wan for giving us opportunity to do this game. We will meet you again Dr Wan.

Last class with Dr Wan

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